Monday, May 3, 2010

Measure Of Love

Your the one to change it all
                                                      Save my world
                                                                              Be my dream
                                                      Dry my tears
                                                                              Calm my fears
But how will I repay this debt?
                                                      Time you gave
                                                                              Dreams you lost
                                                      Tears withheld
                                                                              Fear for me

Im afraid the scales of love will never be balanced... and for this I am sorry


  1. this is amazing too! you are amazing at this

  2. I love the way you write. Your words are poetic and beautiful.

  3. wow.
    so true, but I don't think you have to feel sorry for this, it will be time for sure when you will be the one who would have to sacrifice more for this love.

  4. The thing is there is nothing man can do to balance the value of true love the sacrafice of Christ...
